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Green Land Food, LLC

زعتر ملوكي

زعتر ملوكي

Regular price $ 7.99 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 7.99 USD
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بهار تقليدي مصنوع من مزيج عالي الجودة من أوراق الزعتر وبذور السمسم المحمص والسماق المجفف والليمون. في بلاد الشام هناك اعتقاد بأن الزعتر يقوي العقل ويقوي الجسم.

Customer Reviews

Based on 15 reviews
Wafa Jolivette

This is an excellant product I always order 2 or 3 at a time and keep in the freezer

Jojo King
I dream of this Zatar only to wake up to the best breakfast

I found this Zatar at my local Turkish grocery store in search of a brand other than Sadaf, a company that does not align with my beliefs. I was happy just for the fact that it is a company I want to support. Fast forward to the first taste of it. This is THE BEST Zatar I have had since living in the Middle East where spice markets abound. It is of equal quality and it is truly “Royal Zatar” fit for a king with its abundance of toasted sesame seeds. People! Don’t just take my word for it. Try it for yourself!!

Faisal & Sanaa Warrayat
Za,start moloki

It is the best Zeheara ever try

Green Land Food

The Moloki Zaatar is really royal thyme. Very natural and tasty. The Pumkin seeds are very good for the memory of the brain. Their Halawa is moderately sweetened and delicious with its Pistachios covering makes it royal too> Enjoy! Sahteen!

Jack Malki

It is the best Zaatar

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