طحينة شيخ الكار 800gr
طحينة شيخ الكار 800gr
3 reviews
Regular price
$ 6.95 USD
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$ 6.95 USD
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تُصنع الطحينة من بذور السمسم المحمص وتستخدم بشكل أساسي في العديد من أطباق شرق البحر الأبيض المتوسط والشرق الأوسط مثل الحمص وبابا غنوج والحلاوة الطحينية. تتمتع الطحينة بفوائد صحية استثنائية مثل تنظيم ضغط الدم وتحسين صحة الجلد.
Kouther Mokatrin Taste nutty and delicious not watery thick with lots of flavors.
Thank you so much! We apricate your feedback.
Adel Batri This is an authentic fresh quality tahini well packaged and promptly delivered by Green Land Food.
Thank you so much! We apricate your feedback.
Barbara Tewksbury I've tried lots of brands of tahini, and this one is absolutely the best. It has a very slightly smoky flavor, which gives it a bit more interest than other tahinis, and it isn't sweet. It's terrific on toast for breakfast, and it's great to cook with as well.
I originally bought some at a local international foods store, but they stopped carrying it (claimed they couldn't get it any more). I'm so glad that I found Green Land Food!
Thank you so much! We apricate your feedback.